LiRI – Technical center of CLARIN-CH

The Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI) is a key entity of CLARIN-CH. LiRI provides services and technical support to researchers from Swiss higher education institutions, such as:
- Statistical consulting for researchers working with language data
- Language technology services (e.g. Natural Language Processing and software development of linguistic applications)
- Support for storing and querying corpora in the LiRI Corpus Platform (LCP)
- Lab space and equipment for data acquisition in experimental research
- The LiRI Resources Hub, where resources created by LiRI are made available together with documentation for users
- Swissdox@LiRI, an interface for easy access to large amounts of newspaper articles from the Swiss Media Database
- A FAIR-compliant solution for data archiving using the Language Repository of Switzerland (LaRS), which is free for CLARIN-CH member institutions
CLARIN-CH is working closely together with LiRI to ensure that language researchers’ need for technical support is addressed with expert knowledge as well as research infrastructure that facilitates working with digital language data. For this reason, CLARIN-CH offers vouchers to researchers from CLARIN-CH member institutions to benefit from LiRI services, such as consulting hours from LiRI as well as the use of Swissdox@LiRI to collect language data from Swiss newspaper archives.
If you have questions about LiRI or using LiRI services, you can either contact us or get in touch with the responsible person from LiRI directly: LiRI Contact information