To enable the participation of Switzerland in CLARIN, several Swiss institutions founded the CLARIN-CH Consortium in December 2020. During autumn 2024, all member institutions have renewed their initial agreement. The current CLARIN-CH Consortium Agreement is valid for 2025-2028.
The CLARIN-CH Consortium fully adheres to the CLARIN ERIC mission and vision, and enables the implementation of this vision to the Swiss context. Each institution which is a member of the CLARIN-CH Consortium has one representative in the CLARIN-CH Board, which is the body of CLARIN-CH with full decision-making powers.
The 2025-2028 Consortium agreement stipulates the purpose of the Consortium, its functioning and the members' responsibilities.
CLARIN-CH Statutes and the CLARIN-CH Consortium Agreement shall be used as complementing documents. The CLARIN-CH Statutes are an integral part of the Consortium Agreement.
UNIBAS: the University of Basel, represented by Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl from the Department of German Language and Litterature.
UNIBE: the University of Bern, represented by Prof. Dr. Sandrine Zufferey from the Institute of French Language and Literature.
UNIGE: the University of Geneva, represented by Prof. Dr. Eric Haeberli from the Linguistics Department.
UNIFR: the University of Fribourg, represented by Prof. Dr. Anita Thomas from the Department of Multilingualism and Foreign Languages Education.
UNINE: the University of Neuchâtel, represented by Prof. Dr. Martin Hilpert from the Institute of English Linguistics.
USI: the Università della Svizzera italiana, represented by Prof. Dr. Andrea Rocci from the Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics.
UZH: the University of Zurich, represented by Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer from the Deutsches Seminar and the Linguistic Research Infrastructure LiRI.
ZHAW: the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, represented by Prof. Dr. Cerstin Mahlow from the Zurich School of Applied Linguistics.
SAGW: the Swiss Academy of Human and Social Sciences is represented by Christian Weibel, Scientific CollaboratorSAGW.