CLARIN Café on Guidelines for Integrating CLARIN resources into Teaching

Publication Date: 2021-11-26

The upcoming CLARIN café, taking place on 1 Dec, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST on Zoom, will focus on Guidelines for Integrating CLARIN into Teaching. Lessons learnt from the UPSKILLS project

This event will focus on the current practices for using CLARIN resources in teaching and the creation of best-practice guidelines for lecturers. Although primarily intended for language and linguistics-related disciplines, these guidelines can also be extended and adapted to suit other disciplines.

The UPSKILLS European project is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership for higher education that seeks to identify and tackle the gaps and mismatches in skills for linguistics and language students through the development of a new curriculum component and supporting materials to be embedded in existing programmes of study.

Three Swiss research institutions are members of the UPSKILLS project: the University of Zurich, the University of Geneva and the IDIAP Research Institute.

Here you can find the registration link.