Winter School on Corpus Data for the Analysis of Discourse, Interactions and Arguments

Publication Date: 2023-01-20

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), together with the CLARIN-CH consortium, is happy to announce the Winter School on Corpus Data for the Analysis of Discourse, Interactions and Arguments, which will take place on February 7-9, 2023, in Lugano.

The main goal of the Winter School is to create a stage where PhD students can meet, interact and discuss their corpus data with Swiss and international senior researchers who are recognized leaders in the domains of corpus studies, discourse analysis and argumentation mining. The school involves three types of activities: 1) longer methodological seminars, 2) shorter interactive sessions guiding students through issues of data analysis, and 3) data sessions where PhD students present their ongoing research and discuss issues and solutions regarding the analysis of corpus data pertaining to their PhD theses.

In the programme:

Data-focused seminars

Interactive seminars

Panel on Open Research Data in the area of linguistics:

Presentation of CLARIN-CH and CLARIN resources, Cristina Grisot (University of Zurich, Scientific Coordinator)

Please find here the Programme and the abstracts of alls seminars.

Attenting the conference is still possible as audience. For PhD students, the costs for the travel and hotel are covered by the Doctoral programme.

If you want to participate, please contact Dr. Olena Yaskorska Shah.