UPSKILLS learning content available on Moodle

Publication Date: 2023-06-13

The UPSKILLS project is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership for higher education that seeks to identify and tackle the gaps and mismatches in skills for linguistics and language students through the development of a new curriculum component and supporting materials to be embedded in existing programmes of study. Materials can be accessed by any linguist who wants to acquire new skills.

Read here to learn more about the project's aims, work and team members.

You can now have access to the #training #material on the project's Moodle platform, such as:

  1. Collecting language data from human participants
  2. First steps into scientific research
  3. A glimpse into language data science
  4. Start programming with Python in 10 steps
  5. Processing texts and corpora
  6. The essence of machine learning for linguists in tech
  7. Upskilling your “Introduction to Language variation” course