LiRI Statistics Workshop: Convergence issues with mixed-effects models in lmer

Publication Date: 2024-05-01

Information on the event

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (14:15-16:00)
Location: Online (Zoom)
Speaker: Audrey Bürki
Registration: until May 24 to Workshop website: LiRI Workshops

Description: Mixed-effects models are often used to analyze linguistic data. These models are complex, with many parameters and therefore require quite a lot of data. It may happen (and happens quite often) that the, the statistical model which would be appropriate given the design is too complex for the data at hand. As a consequence, some parameters cannot be estimated (properly). In such cases, and when these models are run in lmer, R throws a convergence warning. In this workshop we will discuss these warnings, their meaning and possible consequences. We will discuss possible strategies.

Please register by May 24, 2024 to Sandra Schwab. The Zoom link will be sent to you upon registration.