CLARIN-CH at the Journée de Linguistique Suisse

Publication Date: 2024-07-09

On 29 June 2024, CLARIN-CH participated in the 13th Journée de Linguistique Suisse 2024 at the University of Neuchâtel. Cristina Grisot, CLARIN-CH National Coordinator, presented a short pitch and a poster on the importance of research infrastructures for linguistic research and current actions that are being undertaken to foster Open Research Data.

To have a look at the poster, click on the image:

CLARIN-CH Poster JSL 2024

The JLS is organized biannually by the SSL (Société Suisse de Linguistique) and brings together linguists from all over Switzerland. We are happy to have been able to contribute from a research infrastructure perspective and make more researchers aware of CLARIN-CH and how they can benefit from CLARIN-CH services.