CHORD-talk-in-interaction closing workshop

Publication Date: 2024-07-24

Important information

Date: 16 September 2024, 13.30-17.30h
Location: Online / Università dellla Svizzera italiana (USI)
Registration: by 4 September 2024

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The CHORD-talk-in-interaction project with project members from from the USI, UNIBAS, UNIL and UNINE (all CLARIN-CH members) is coming to an end in September 2024.

The project team is therefore planning a closing event on Monday, September 16th 2024, where the results of the work done will be presented. Participation is possible either online via Zoom or in-person at USI Università della Svizzera italiana. The goal is to exchange views on current practices of sharing and reusing research data, to discuss the infrastructure needed in Switzerland to manage audio/video-recorded and transcribed data of naturally occurring interaction, and to address future training needs.

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