Analyzing Multimodality: Theoretical, Technical, and Analytical Challenges

Publication Date: 2024-09-06

The CHORD-talk-in-interaction team is inviting young researchers to a workshop on multimodality:

Description of the workshop

The event is dedicated to the analysis of video data of human interactions and will be held on December 12 and 13 at the University of Neuchâtel (see attached program). It is primarily aimed at early career researchers and will bring together scholars with various interests to explore the methodological, technological, and ethical challenges related to this complex topic.

The analysis of multimodality raises crucial questions: how to transcribe gestures, body movements, spatial movements, and facial expressions? How to analyze these micro-behaviors and communicate them effectively in published research, especially when readers have limited access to visual data and/or when data are anonymized?

Important information

Date: 12-13 December 2024
Location: University of Neuchâtel
Registration: by 1 October 2024 to or

The program for these two half-days includes:

This workshop will provide a dynamic forum for deepening the understanding of multimodality in conversations, offering young researchers the opportunity to bring their questions and challenges encountered in their own research.

If you are interested in participating, please register by October 1, 2024, by sending an email to Melissa Juillet ( or Tiziana Kowalczuk (

📄 Download the programme