CLARIN-CH is the Swiss national node of CLARIN, the pan-European Common Language Research Infrastructure. It aims to provide Swiss researchers in the humanities and social sciences with access to digital language resources, tools, and services. Furthermore, CLARIN-CH facilitates language-related research by offering technical and organizational support, fostering collaboration, and ensuring the integration of Swiss language resources into the broader European CLARIN network.

To read more about the members of CLARIN-CH, you can visit the following pages:

The strong collaboration between these entities ensures Switzerland’s active participation in CLARIN while fostering an ecosystem that supports researchers in managing language data according to Open Science and FAIR principles.


CLARIN-CH is currently on the road to becoming a full member of CLARIN-ERIC. Much has happened since the creation of the CLARIN-CH Consortium in December 2020, such as the creation of our Working Groups, the first national CLARIN-CH Day, which took place in September 2024, and the launch of the new LiRI corpus platform (LCP) in December 2024, to mention only a few examples. We are looking forward to reaching our next milestone soon!

CLARIN-CH Consortium

The consortium agreement has recently been renewed and is now valid from 2025 until 2028: CLARIN-CH consortium agreement

The statutes of CLARIN-CH as well as the current value proposition provide further information on the purpose of CLARIN-CH:

If you would like to stay in the loop about recent developments at CLARIN-CH, our mailing list is the best option. We are also regularly sharing updates and events on LinkedIn, or organizing events like the Update Hour and the CLARIN-CH Day to spread the news and keep our members involved.