LCP Day 2024: Launch of the LiRI Corpus Platform

The LiRI Corpus Platform is going to be launched on 1 November 2024 – save the date!
The LCP provides tools for creating, managing and analyzing multimodal corpora (text, audio, video). It aims to bridge the gap between user needs for accessible, richly annotated corpus data and advanced linguistic queries. LCP offers three main interfaces: CatchPhrase for text, SoundScript for audio, and VideoScope for video and audio analysis. The creation of the LCP is a big milestone of the UpLORD project, aiming to improve discovery, access, integration, usability and reusability of corpora according to the FAIR principles. The LCP Day marks the official launch of the LiRI Corpus Platform. The program will consist of project presentations and practical software demonstrations using the LCP. Participants are welcome on-site (limited spots) and on Zoom, the event will take place in a hybrid mode.

Information on the event

Date: 1 November 2024 (10:00 – 16:45) Place: Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zurich, AND 4.55 / Online Speakers: Noah Bubenhofer, Teodora Vuković, Jeremy Zehr Registration: via the UZH event portal (see link above)