University of Bern

The University of Bern is represented in the CLARIN-CH Consortium by Prof. Sandrine Zufferey, from the Institute of French Language and Literature.

The community from the University of Bern provides CLARIN-CH language resources and expertise in language sciences.

Language resources

The Online Corpus of Linear Elamite Inscriptions (OCLEI) is a tool for computer-assisted analysis of Linear Elamite, an undeciphered syllabic writing system used in the late 3rd millennium BC. It supports a Unicode version of all the sign variants and allows for a statistical analysis of the texts. Currently, 50 Linear Elamite inscriptions and fragments are known (41 when collating the fragments of a single artefact).

Faculties and Departments involved in CLARIN-CH

Faculty of Human and Social Sciences

English Department

Institute of French Language and Literature

Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures

Institute of Italian Language and Literature

Institute of Spanish Language and Literature

Institute of Linguistics

Digital Humanities

Center for the Study of Language and Society

resources/unibe.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/09 16:45 by Seraina Nadig