CLARIN-CH Training Sessions 2025: Exploring Swiss Language Resources and Tools

Overview of the sessions

Sessions are held every second Monday, from 15:30 to 17:00, online (via Zoom):

We welcome you to join us whether you are new to these tools or looking to refine your skills. Please note that further information on the individual sessions will be published soon.

We recommend attending the introductory session on March 10 to get an overview of the entire CLARIN-CH ecosystem and to decide which sessions are relevant for you.

The following expert speakers from the CLARIN-CH network will be featured:

  • Christian Futter, Data Expert, Language Repository of Switzerland (LaRS), UZH Library
  • Cristina Grisot, CLARIN-CH National Coordinator, UZH
  • Maaike Kellenberger, Communication Strategist, Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI), UZH
  • Julia Krasselt, professor at Digital Discourse Lab, ZHAW
  • Johanna Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling, professor at Institute of Italian Studies and the Institute of argumentation, linguistics and semiotics, USI
  • Stefanie Strebel, Data Team Lead, Language Repository of Switzerland (LaRS), UZH Library
  • Teodora Vukovic, post-doc, Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI), UZH
  • Jeremy Zehr, application engineer, Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI), UZH