Webinar on Personal and Sensitive Data: Overview of anonymisation tools

We are happy to announce the webinar Overview of anonymisation tools, which is organised within the CLARIN-CH Working Group Management of Sensitive and Personal data, Ethical and Legal issues for linguistic data.

➡️ The slides from the webinar can be accessed here: 📄 Part 1 📄 Part 2

Information on the event

  • Date: 22 March 2024
  • Time: 12:00-1PM
  • Location: Zoom (click here to access the webinar)
  • Format: 30 minutes of talk, 30 minutes of Q & A
  • Speakers: Melanie Röthlisberger (UB Zürich), Matthias Templ (FHNW)

Melanie Röthlisberger is a linguist by training and a member of the Open Science Services at the University Library Zurich. She advices researchers on legal aspects and how to share sensitive and personal data. She also teaches courses on how to publish sensitive and personal data to researchers at the University of Zurich.

Matthias Templ is Professor of Statistics at the FHNW and author and maintainer of the R package sdcMicro. He is currently leading an SNSF Bridge Discovery project on the anonymization and synthesis of longitudinal data. Together with colleagues, he runs the Swiss Anonymisation Centre: https://www.swissanon.ch

Abstract: In the first part of this talk, Melanie Röthlisberger (Open Science Services, University of Zurich) gives a brief overview over different anonymization tools and focuses on one tool in more detail: QualiAnon is an anonymization tool for qualitative textual data. The tool was developed by Qualiservice in cooperation with Pangaea to enable researchers to anonymize or pseudonymize their research data semi-automatically in a structured way. In the second part of the talk, Matthias Templ, developer of sdcMicro, will give insights into his R-package that can be used to anonymize structured quantitative data on individual units, such as people, households, or organizations. Most functionalities of the package are also available via an interactive shiny-based graphical user interface.

This webinar is part of a series of webinars, which are taking place monthly during spring 2024 and the autumn semester. Discover the list of planned webinars here.