Webinar on the Protection of Personal and Sensitive data: Technical aspects

We are happy to announce the webinar Protection of Personal and Sensitive data: Technical aspects, which is organised within the CLARIN-CH Working Group Management of Sensitive and Personal data, Ethical and Legal issues for linguistic data.

In this talk, participants learn about the technical aspects of how to handle sensitive and personal data securely according data protection laws applicable in Switzerland and what technical measure could be applied when working collaboratively in cloud environments for secure processing of data.

Shubham Kapoor is a seasoned computer scientist by training, and has been working in IT industry since 2012. Shubham currently works as Lead for BioMedIT Research IT services at SIB. His ongoing work involves architecting & offering Trusted Research Environments to the researchers in Switzerland where they can gather & analyse sensitive data responsibly. He specialises in Cloud Computing, HPC & Information Security.

Sergio Maffioletti is a group leader at the Scientific IT Services at ETH Zurich. He is responsible for the implementation and the operation of the LeoMed Trusted Research Environment which is the Zurich node of the BioMedIT infrastructure. After his doctorate in computer science at the University of Fribourg, Sergio worked at the Swiss National Supercomputing Center where he developed competences in High Performance and Grid computing. He joined the University of Zurich as project director of the Grid Computing Competence Center and then joined the S3IT support group where he managed several initiatives for establishing national academic e-infrastructure. In August 2019 he joined the Scientific IT Services (SIS) at the ETH Zurich as group leader of the Research IT Platform group.

The recording and slides of the webinar can be accessed here: 💻 Recording 📄 Slides

This webinar is part of a series of webinars, which are taking place monthly during spring 2024 and the autumn semester. Discover the list of webinars here.