Webinar on the Protection of personal and sensitive linguistic data: Legal aspects

We are happy to announce the webinar Protection of personal and sensitive linguistic data: Legal aspects, which is organised within the CLARIN-CH Working Group Management of Sensitive and Personal data, Ethical and Legal issues for linguistic data.

Information on the event

Date: 26 February 2024
Time: 12:00-1PM
Location: Zoom (click here to access the webinar)
TopicProtection of personal and sensitive linguistic data: Legal aspects
Format: 30 minutes of talk, 30 minutes of Q & A
Speaker: Brian Kleiner (FORS)

This webinar is the first of a series of webinars, which are taking place monthly during the 2024 spring and the autumn semester. Discover the list of webinars here.

Bio and expertise: Brian Kleiner is a linguist by training. Since 2008, he is head of Data and Research Information for the Social Sciences at FORS. As head of data services at FORS, his ongoing work involves the provision of research infrastructure and services to support work and data sharing in the social sciences in Switzerland. He specializes in research data management topics, such as data security, informed consent, and anonymization.

Abstract: Many types of empirical linguistic data are particularly difficult to share with third parties, due to the personally identifying information that they often contain. This puts linguists in a bind – how to respect data sharing requirements from funders and journals while at the same time comply with data protection laws? This webinar presents the stakes around this tension, as well as some concrete solutions and recommendations for linguistics researchers working in Switzerland who are thinking about sharing their data. Specifically, a “layered” approach to legal compliance is put forward, which balances aspects of informed consent, anonymisation, and access controls, according to the nature of one’s data and dissemination goals.

The recording and slides of the webinar can be accessed here: 💻 Recording 📄 Slides