Webinar on Legal aspects of collecting and sharing social media data (copyright)

Publication Date: 2024-10-22

The November webinar will be on Legal aspects of collecting and sharing social media data (copyright) and is organised within the CLARIN-CH Working Group Management of Sensitive and Personal data, Ethical and Legal issues for linguistic data.

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Join us for a webinar on the legal challenges surrounding the use of social media data for language research purposes, covering essential topics such as copyright and text-and-data mining (TDM) exceptions, the importance of terms of service, and data protection laws. We will also delve into the new regulatory framework under the Digital Services Act, exploring its implications for data use across various platforms. Whatever your research focus, if you use social media data, this session will provide valuable guidance on navigating the complex legal landscape.

Paweł Kamocki is a researcher at the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache and Chair of the CLARIN Legal and Ethical Issues Committee. He holds a Doctor of Law (Dr. iur.) degree (Münster, Paris), as well as a Master’s degree in linguistics (Warsaw), and graduated from the Paris Barrister Training School. His scientific interests are centered around legal issues affecting data-intensive science, especially in the field of linguistics and Digital Humanities; he published a number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on these questions. He also co-chaired the Working group on Data Access and Re-Use Policies and helped develop such Legal Tech tools as the Public License Selector and the DARIAH ELDAH Consent Form Wizard.

This webinar is part of a series of webinars, which are taking place monthly during the spring and autumn semester 2024. Discover the list of planned webinars here.