Publication Date: 2023-12-05
Date: January 31, 2024, afternoon - February 3, 2024, afternoon
Place: Hotel Weiss Kreuz, Splügen, Switzerland
Coach: Dr. Eva Kuske (ZHAW)
Target group: PhD Students
The ZHAW School of Applied Sciences and the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) are organizing a writing retreat in the context of the doctoral programme Managing Languages, Arguments and Narratives in the Datafied Society (LAND).
The course offers its participants the opportunity to spend a few days in the mountains solely focusing on their academic writing. In addition to the writing sessions, there will be personal coaching and feedback sessions to help participants improve their writing skills. The costs for travel, room and board are covered by the PhD programme.
More information on the course and how to sign up can be found in the course announcement (click below). Places are assigned on a first come first serve basis, registrations will be accepted until 5 January 2024.