SwissText 2024: Workshop and Shared Task Announcement

Publication Date: 2024-04-17

Information on the event:

Date: June 10-11, 2024
Location: Fachhochschule GraubĂĽnden (FHGR)
Early bird registration: until 5 May 2024

CLARIN-CH is a partner of SwissText 2024, an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is organized by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with local universities and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) with the support of the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) and several industrial sponsors.

The organising committee has now announced the selection of workshops which will be held during SwissText 2024:

Shared Task at SwissText 2024

The following Shared Task has been selected: Automatic Classification of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Their Targets in English Scientific Abstracts

This task aims to facilitate the identification and analysis of research towards the SDGs using automatic classification systems. It consists of two subtasks:

  • Task 1: Classification at the Level of the 17 SDGs
    The primary aim of this Shared Task is to evaluate the capability of automated systems in classifying a scientific abstract under the most appropriate SDG. A particular emphasis is placed on the system’s proficiency in identifying the best fitting SDG when the specific goals are underrepresented in the dataset, thus ensuring a balanced and comprehensive understanding of the research landscape in relation to the SDGs.
  • Task 2: Multi-label Classification at the Level of SDG Targets
    This Shared Task is designed to challenge the systems’ abilities in fine-grained classification and to encourage the development of innovative solutions in the field of NLP, particularly in scenarios where extensive labeled data is not available. Accurate prediction of SDG targets in scientific abstracts enhances the specificity and usefulness of research classification in the context of sustainable development, fostering a more nuanced understanding of research contributions towards global goals.

Additionally, a 2-hour workshop with the title NLP for Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring will be held at SwissText 2024 in connection with the shared task. For more information, go to the following page:

news/2024/04/17_1713360456.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/17 18:14 by Seraina Nadig