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Swiss Academy of Human and Social Sciences

The Swiss Academy of Human and Social Sciences / l'Académie Suisse des Sciences Humaines et Sociales / die Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften is represented by Dr. Beat Immenhauser, General Secretary of the SAHSS.

The SAHSS supports various long-term research projects. They form the backbone of research in the humanities and social sciences and make a substantial contribution to the preservation, dissemination and enhancement of Switzerland's collective memory.

Long-term Projects and their ensuing resources /

The project researches and provides information about place names in Switzerland. is also an information platform for current events and publications in the context of Swiss and international toponymy. The portal ensures:

  • the continuous backup of research data from ongoing and completed projects
  • the publication of this data in an online database
  • the georeferencing of place name data via various online map systems
  • the maintenance of an ongoing bibliography on Swiss place name research linked to electronic resources
  • own research activities on a small scale oriented towards data collection and presentation is a data repository for searching Swiss place names and visualising them on maps. It functions since 2001 and it is set up and maintained by the Schweizerisches Idiotikon, under the aegis of the SAHSS.

Swiss Text Corpus

The project Swiss Text Corpus / Schweizer Text Corpus is devoted to the standard German language of Switzerland in the 20th and 21st centuries. The digital collection is structured according to formal, content-related and chronological criteria and comprises well over 20 million text words. It is a balanced representation of the Swiss German vocabulary and can serve as a basis for specifically Swiss lexicographical questions. The text corpus will be enriched with further texts from the 21st century by 2025. Access to the corpus is given through its search interface. The Swiss text corpus relies heavily on collaboration and open standards in order to be able to use the best possible technologies for its purposes. Open standards are indispensable in text and corpus technology so that sustainably available resources can be provided. Like many other corpora, the Swiss text corpus encodes the XML versions of its documents according to the specifications of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The scans with deposited text are preserved as archivable PDFs. The Swiss text corpus has been maintained by the Schweizerisches Idiotikon since 2014, under the aegis of the SAHSS.

The National Dictionaries of Switzerland

Since 1996, the SAHSS has been responsible for the National Dictionaries. A specially appointed commission (members) is responsible for the scientific and scientific-political supervision.

Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande

Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun

Schweizerisches Idiotikon

resources/sagw.1706087842.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/24 10:17 by Seraina Nadig