Publication Date: 2024-05-08
The first webinar after the summer break will be on Intellectual property rights in linguistic data and is organised within the CLARIN-CH Working Group Management of Sensitive and Personal data, Ethical and Legal issues for linguistic data.
The webinar will briefly address intellectual property issues, particularly copyright concerns, that may arise when using language data in research. We will explore key questions, including:
These topics, along with others brought by the participants, will be discussed during the session.
Suzanna Marazza is a jurist and has been a collaborator at the CCdigitallaw of the Università della Svizzera italiana since 2019. She addresses legal challenges related to the use of digital technologies within academia. Her focus areas include copyright, licensing, and data protection. In her role, she holds workshops and collaborates with several institutions in Switzerland on projects aimed at implementing Open Access.
The recording and slides of the webinar can be accessed here: 💻 Recording 📄 Slides
This webinar is part of a series of webinars, which are taking place monthly during spring 2024 and the autumn semester. Discover the list of planned webinars here.